Working with candidates across Europe, we’re the constant our clients count on in the world of change that is enterprise IT services.

Technology these days is at the heart of even the most traditional of organisations – it’s critical to survival and success. And so are the right people – the ones with a finger on IT’s pulse.

Candidate Services

- Finding you the right next step is our aim
- We support your career by providing advice based on the experience of our directors and close associates who are leaders within the IT industry.
- We want to meet and understand who you are, we try to meet all candidates we represent to ensure we are acting in your best interests
- We care about you and your goals, we are honest and clear with feedback on applications and keep you informed

Client Services

- Our Recruitment and Resourcing services are aligned traditional recruitment consultancies whereby we are looking to identify the right permanent or interim candidates for our clients.
- Our Delivery service is focused on providing highly skilled consultants to achieve specific business outcomes for our clients. We lead the way in specific competencies as we look to help clients obtain more value and a competitive edge from their IT services.

We generally refer to candidates as those who are applying for roles through our recruitment and resourcing activities, and associates as the consultants that help with our delivery services.


Usually via a telephone call or skype session we take the time to talk through your CV and what you’ve been doing to date. We capture the details of what you are looking for in your next role, and run through the basic questions of availability, renumeration, and core skills.

Face to Face Meeting

Following on from the introductory call we like to meet you, we invite you into our offices at St Pauls to introduce you to one of our directors who will discuss your background and opportunities we are working on in more detail.

Finding you the right role

Our recruitment consultants are constantly maintaining a close working relationship with clients to assist with the challenges they are facing the roles that they need filling. If we match you to a role available we manage your application and look to introduce you to the client.

Client Introduction

Having successfully submitted your application and arranged an interview we fully brief you and introduce you to the client. Depending on the clients own processes this may be a series of telephone interviews face to face meetings.

Agreeing terms and feedback

After the interview process, if you have been successful in your application we help agree the terms of your new role and secure you in the new role. Throughout the entire application process we provide full feedback on your application and keep you informed.

Whether you are interested in applying for a new role or working on consultancy engagements with us we are keen to meet you and discuss your situation.