Addressing the complex challenges of change

Reduce delivery timescales and costs, whilst improving service levels.

Its not an easy time to be a CIO, with the introduction of cloud technologies, agile development, DevOps, and the threat of disruption from competitors, the is a need to re-assess how IT is being provided and how it serves the business.

For many enterprises the pace of change, the introduction of the new technology, and the impact this has on the traditional IT Organisation is causing problems. Whether its ballooning cloud costs, a break down in service performance, or the management of security threats all at the same time as the business is demanding shorter lead times for delivering change.

Addressing these challenges requires a determination to change for the better, our team have experience of driving this change. The features of which include:

  • The adoption of Agile development and incorporation of DevOps to accelerate application development
  • Defining the support organisation needed to underpin the service provided by product teams
  • Establishing communities across product teams to socialist technology standards and practices
  • Developing a strategy and approach for the management of legacy services through to elimination

Its not for the feint hearted but adopting new ways of working can significantly improve the agility of a business, reduce costs, and improve performance.

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