Working closely with stakeholders, business users, and the technology programme

When is IT considered to be working well for a business?


When the business has the right technology solution (based on capability and cost), for a given situation,


The solution must integrate with, and follow, the defined and understood business processes


This solution needs to be managed as a service, with all the support teams understanding their roles and responsibilities, and the required support tools deployed


And critically the different consumers and users of the solution need to understand how the process and technology enable them to do their jobs well.

Unfortunately, change management is often over looked or an afterthought, by bringing these activities into your change programmes you can greatly improve the acceptance of a new IT service.

Our change management team work closely with your stakeholders, business users, and the technology programme. Producing a detailed user and communications plan they take you through

  • Working with the business stakeholders and their team members to communicate the changes to their business processes and tooling
  • The creation of supporting material (“how to” documents, wiki pages, flyers, posters, and leaflets)
  • Enable communication channels (intranet sites, breakout sessions, demonstrations etc)
  • Providing education (classes, working lunches, train the trainer sessions etc)

Bringing these sessions and material to bear in the right environment and context allows your business to leverage the best return on your technology investments.

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